Welcome to Vitanutri Labs Canada

Vitanutri Labs Canada (VLC) conducts foods and natural health products validation and exporting, providing the world with Canadian grown nutritionally-high foods and food products based on sound research and validation. The two major types of exports are Canadian foods and Canadian natural health products (NHPs). VLC conducts biotechnology innovation in foods and natural health products with functional significance.

VLC explores functional foods, dietary supplements, foods for special dietary use, meal replacements and nutritional supplements on food side, as well as natural health products (NHPs), complementary medi­cines over-the-counter on the drug side.

VLC has established research collaborations with UBC’s Food and Beverage Innovation Centre, which are equipped with an array of state-of-the-art analytical instruments and world-class scientists to conduct cutting edge research, transform research results to industries, and provide nutrition and health advice.

The nutrition industry thrives within a global footprint, and enjoys substantial economic momentum and growth. The promise of nutraceuticals, functional foods, dietary supplements and related products are prodigious with a big market. As the significant promise from nutraceuticals, functional foods and other natural health products, VLC provides a compelling opportunity for industrial and academic alli­ances that integrate consumer relevance, from concept to container with an evidence-based approach. VLC also inserts intellectual property strategies from the inception point, delivering the promise of these products that exert preventive, therapeutic, or quality of life enhancement, and buoy industrial growth with science-driven revenues and intellectual assets.

Chief Research Officer
Dr. Jennifer Jing Zhao

As an enthusiastic researcher and entrepreneur with extensive experiences in innovation and research in health, nutrition and food literacy, Dr. Zhao designs and delivers early stage scientific translation to funding and commercialization, builds interdisciplinary collaboration to accelerate scalable science based ventures with high impact.

Leading Vitanutri Labs Canada (VLC)’s from inception, Dr. Zhao takes an evidence-based approach to understand the nutritional impact of functional foods and their contribution to healthy living. VLC has launched impactful industry-academic research initiatives designed to better understand functional food properties and the nutritional benefits of a variety of BC grown products. Combining a market-oriented approach with world-class research, VLC is moving into a leading position in showcasing functional foods with proven preventive, therapeutic, or quality of life enhancement properties. VLC provides a compelling opportunity for industrial and academic alliances that integrate consumer relevance, from concept to containers. 

With interdisciplinary approaches, Dr. Zhao conducts health knowledge dissemination by building valuable links between the research and practice communities, specifically, focuses on strategies for transforming health education research, and maximizing the impact of health knowledge dissemination to the broad public.

Dr. Zhao also serves as President of Canada-China Comparative Education and Cultural Society, and Vice President of Gateway to health.